best replica watches
AURA site has the largest collection of high end watch replicas.
Our grade AAA watches are crafted from steel, a material that is more expensive and challenging to produce due to its hardness. However, the investment is justified as steel offers superior resistance to rust and corrosion, and maintains its polish better than other alternatives.
Our Clone Watches feature sapphire glass, known for its superior scratch resistance. Unlike regular glass or mineral glass found in cheap replica watches, sapphire crystal is exceptionally hard to scratch. It ranks 9 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale, surpassed only by Diamonds at 10.
Our high-end watch replicas that look like real models are equipped with double-core silicone “O” rings made of solid tube rubber. These “O” rings create an airtight seal, ensuring decent IP65 water resistance, making the knock off watches rain and splash-proof.
Welcome to AURA Shop, the ultimate destination for those seeking good imitation timepiece, We are dedicated to creating best rep timepieces, ensuring they can confidently wear their dream perfect brands.Trusted within the best rep timepiece copies community, we strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience.
In our website you will find the best luxury replica watches available in the market. We have been selling replica watches for many years and we are committed to provide the best service and the watches.
we have over 5000 different watches that you can buy. Choosing your replica watches is not easy but we have created categories in order to make this task easier for you. We have replica watches for more than 50 different brands including the biggest brands like Rolex, Richard Mille, Patek Philippe, Hublot, Breitling and Audemars Piguet. Inside this brands there are also other sub-categories depending on the watch models available.
Our replica watches have been created with the best quality materials in the market. This are not cheap replicas that you can find in some websites for $50 or less. The replicas you will here are top quality replicas from China. Most of the watches are so similar to the genuine watches, that you will be able to exchange parts between then. We have heard from some customers that have changed the crystal, the dial or the bracelet to put the genuine in their replica watch and get even a greater feeling of wearing a luxury watch.
Some terms have become very common when trying to differentiate the quality of different replica watches. AAA replica is used to say the watch is of high quality. Another reference for this is 1:1 which is used to show that the replica is the same as the original. While this has been used to know if a watch is of better quality, now some websites use this term without understanding the correct meaning which makes it more difficult to know the exact quality of the watches.
Our replica watches are from China and are of the best quality you will find in the market. We have access to several factories in China that provide us with the highest quality replicas and those are the ones you can buy in our store. You can call them AAA replica or 1:1 replica as there is nothing better our there.
To know exactly which quality we provide, you can just check our pictures. The watches we delivery are exactly the same as the watches on the pictures. For each watch, we provide high quality pictures where you can see all the small details in the watch. With this, you can check the watch quality by looking at the picture and comparing it with any other watch. We are currently also adding videos for many watches so you can have more information available about every watch before you buy it.
Our watches come from the best factories in China. We have access to the biggest replica factories in china that provide the highest quality replica watches at affordable prices. On top of this, we provide you with the information about which factory made each replica watch so you can choose the replica you prefer.
Wearing genuine luxury watches is something that not everybody can do. Luxury watches cost tens of thousands of dollars and that is not the kind of money everybody can spend. This watches are used mainly by celebrities, athletes and other wealthy people.
But luxury replica watches have a lower price and everybody can afford to war one of our luxury watches. Our replicas are so good, that most people will never be able to tell the difference between our luxury replicas and a genuine watch. Most of the time only a watch smith will be able to tell the difference after taking the watch apart or after looking at it meticulously.
Our luxury watches are much more than just a copy. These replicas have been created with advanced techniques and using top of the notch materials and equipment available in the best china factories. This allows us to provide the best quality at cheap prices. There is no question that wearing our replicas is a luxury that is available not only to celebrities, but to everybody.